Clinique Dentaire Michel Hakim located in the Anjou-Mercier neighbourhood of Montreal offers a wide range of family dental services.
Sometimes a tooth extraction is the only possible solution if the tooth is too damaged due to a cavity or a fracture below the gums. Wisdom teeth might also be preventatively removed if they are not fully erupted or if they cause damage to the adjacent teeth.
Dr Michel Hakim has the necessary skills to perform simple or complex teeth extractions. He performs pain-free surgery for patients of all ages.
Due to lack of space, wisdom teeth often grow crooked and can cause detrimental pressure on adjacent molars.
Since wisdom teeth are completely at the back of our mouths, they can be extremely hard to clean;therefore, they are often more susceptible to cavities.
It is important to understand that as wisdom teeth develop so do their roots. The surrounding bone also becomes more dense as the years progress. Therefore, the older a person is, the more difficult the extractions of the wisdom become. The risk of complications increases as well. This is why your dentist might recommend wisdom teeth extraction in young adults, before any problems arise.
5. A local anaesthetic is administered to numb the wisdom teeth and gums ;
6. An incision is made and the gum is then lifted in order to see the tooth ;
7. The dentist might need to remove a small part of bone or cut the tooth into smaller pieces in order to extract the tooth without damaging surrounding tissues. ;
8. A few stitches might be needed at the end of the procedure.
A short recovery period follows the surgery before leaving the clinic. We might also prescribe you some anibiotics, some anti-inflammatories, and a mouth-rinse in order to avoid any complications.
• After the extraction, cotton gauze will be placed in order to stop bleeding by applying light pressure on the site where the tooth was extracted. It is important to change the gauze every 15 minutes or when it becomes too soaked in blood and saliva. Do so for the first 2 hours following surgery. It is normal for this area to exude for the first 24 hours. If bleeding persists then place a wet tea bag over the area.
• Avoid any suction motions; avoid drinking from a straw for the first 24 hours.
• Do not spit for the first 24 hours. After brushing your teeth, simply let your toothpaste drain into the sink by turning your head.
• Some swelling may occur and this is considered normal. Most of the swelling will disappear 48 hours after the surgery. To reduce swelling, apply a bag of ice to your face, near to the wound(s) for the first 24 hours.
• Avoid smoking at least for the first 3 days. If you cannot wait this long, you must wait AT LEAST 4 hours before smoking and place a gauze over the wound to protect it.
• A diet consisting of soft cold foods is advised. Avoid soft drinks, spicy foods as well as hot meals.
• Only after 24 hours may you rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine or luke warm salty water (a teaspoon of salt per cup of water). Rinse your mouth at least twice a day to keep the wound clean and to promote healing.
• After your dental surgery your jaw and muscles might be tense causing a decrease in mouth opening. If this occurs, place a warm cloth on the temporomandibular joint to relax your muscles. This discomfort should disappear after roughly 10 days.
• Some tissue discoloration may be observed; the bluish black color will turn yellow then disappear within a few days.
It is normal to experience some swelling and a slight soreness that may last for a few days following your wisdom teeth surgery. If your symptoms persist or worsen you must contact your dentist right away to avoid any further complications!
You can trust Dr Michel Hakim for your wisdom teeth surgery.